Looking for affordable student braces?

Wondering Little Girl

Wondering which orthodontist to choose?

Read this guide to help you decide. FREE checklist included!

Girl pointing to braces on her teeth

1. The Braces Go-To Place

Our Vision is to become the go-to place for Dental Braces in Singapore, by providing Specialist care at competitive prices, where customers can assume quality and affordability.

2. Great for Students

We set ourselves apart by offering one of the most affordable Student Braces in Singapore, even compared to providers who are not accredited specialists. When you compare us with other specialists, you find even greater value in what you get at Bracesaurus.

Dental Braces

3. Only Braces

As our slogan goes, Braces RrRR Us. Being an MOH Accredited Braces Specialist Clinic, we only do Dental Braces. All our attention goes into perfecting this vocation. So you know you found the right place to get your teeth straightened.

What we believe are important to you

  • SAFETY As the saying goes, “First Do No Harm”. This is the utmost priority. No compromise.
  • QUALITY We take pride in perfecting each and every smile entrusted to us.
  • SERVICE We believe this all comes down to empathy. Not the bells and whistles.
  • VALUE Cheap is good. But value means more. We want to offer affordabilty without compromising quality.

Our Story

How Bracesaurus Was Evolved

After obtaining his specialist certification, Dr Wee worked in the public sector for about 8 years, including at the National Dental Centre of Singapore, before moving to the private sector where he worked at the Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre for another 8 years. As he wanted to provide his own brand of service, he started his own practice known as Weety Orthodontics Specialist Care in 2018, which provided orthodontic treatment to teenagers and adults. As the practice evolved, it became especially popular with teenagers looking for student braces at affordable prices. The practice was rebranded to connect to a more youthful segment and so Bracesaurus was hatched! The practice continues to evolve towards the vision of being the go-to place for dental braces in Singapore.

Dr Wee Teng Yau

Dr Wee Teng Yau
MOH Accredited Orthodontist (Braces Specialist)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Master of Dental Surgery
Diploma M Orth (Edinburgh)

Dr Wee received his Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree from the National University of Singapore in 2002 and has been a dental surgeon for over 20 years. You could say dentistry is in Dr Wee’s blood because his father and grandfather were both dental surgeons. Though he always knew he wanted to do something artistic, he didn’t aspire to carry on the family business of creating smiles until he was in his late teens.

While training to be a dental surgeon, he found his passion in orthodontics and decided to pursue advanced training in this speciality. He enjoys orthodontics because it has a heavy emphasis on artistic aspects while applying scientific principles. He started his specialist training in Orthodontics under the sponsorship of the National Dental Centre Singapore in 2004 and has been practising solely orthodontic treatment ever since. In 2007, he obtained both his Master in Orthodontics degree from NUS, as well as the Membership in Orthodontics of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MOrth RCSEd). Dr Wee is accredited by the Dental Specialists Accreditation Board (DSAB) of Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) as an orthodontic specialist He is an member of the Association of Orthodontist of Singapore where he served as the Treasurer and Honorary General Secretary.